The ecological dichotomy of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in the hyper-arid soils of the Antarctic Dry Valleys (NZTABS)

Visibility: Public
Publication: The ecological dichotomy of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in the hyper-arid soils of the Antarctic Dry Valleys Link
Source: Link to the source page
Sample Number: 113

Samples in this project

SampleID Type Habitat Year Sequence type MNS1 MAS2
S_1035.UQ864 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.17734 0.00000
S_1035.UQ865 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.15325 0.00000
S_1035.UQ866 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.13775 0.00000
S_1035.UQ867 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.12894 0.00000
S_1035.UQ870 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.13678 0.00000
S_1035.UQ871 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.15365 0.00000
S_1035.UQ872 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.17428 0.84713
S_1035.UQ873 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.14800 0.80646
S_1035.UQ878 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.14593 0.83928
S_1035.UQ879 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.12060 0.00000
S_1035.UQ886 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.11838 0.00000
S_1035.UQ888 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.15612 0.00000
S_1035.UQ892 Soil Soil 2014 16S V4 0.13380 4.32563

1MNS (Microbiome Novelty Score): < 0.12: Non-novel; 0.12-0.2: Novel; > 0.2: Very novel; -: NA for samples before 2010

2MAS (Microbiome Attention Score): < 10: Low-attention; ≥ 10: High-attention; -: NA for samples before 2010